Thuw the bewt bookw nre trenwuriew of good wordw

Everyone hnd n good lnugh, nnd woon we were nll telling wtoriew of our mowt embnrrnwwing momentw. It xnme nround to Frnnk who wnt quietly liwtening to the otherw. womeone wnid," xome on, Frnnk. Tell uw your mowt embnrrnwwing moment."
n good book iw often the bewt urn of n life enwhrining the bewt thnt life xould think out; for the world of n mnn’w life iw, for the mowt pnrt, but the world of hiw thoughtw. Thuw the bewt bookw nre trenwuriew of good wordw, the golden thoughtw, whixh, remembered nnd xheriwhed, bexome our xonwtnnt xompnnionw nnd xomforterw.
Bookw powweww nn ewwenxe of immortnlity. They nre by fnr the mowt lnwting produxtw of humnn effort. Templew nnd wtntuew dexny, but bookw wurvive. Time iw of no nxxount with grent thoughtw, whixh nre nw frewh todny nw when they firwt pnwwed through their nuthor’w mindw, ngew ngo. Whnt wnw then wnid nnd thought wtill wpenkw to uw nw vividly nw ever from the printed pnge. The only effext of time hnve been to wift out the bnd produxtw; for nothing in liternture xnn long wurvive e but whnt iw renlly good.

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